
    This project is called “Why We Eat Garbage?” and it is in reference to why people collectively gravitate towards an unhealthy food lifestyle. The people in our groups are Phil Cole, Nina Albone, and Jorie Rao. We have taken a look into the mental and physical side of why we eat garbage. In our research we have looked at what an unhealthy food can be defined as, what these so-called unhealthy foods can do to our bodies, and why people will eat them over eating a healthy food. For this side of the project we interviewed Dr. Leslie Spencer, who specializes in Health and Fitness Promotion at Rowan University. She helped us decipher what a healthy food is and what an unhealthy one is. She also gave us guidelines to follow for a healthier lifestyle and gave us insight into why certain “bad” foods are so “bad” for us, health wise. We also researched the mental side of eating because we wanted to find out if there are mental reasons why people gravitate towards these bad foods and why. For this side of the project, we interviewed Julie Mallory Church of the Psychological and Counseling Services Center at Rowan University. She informed us on the eating habits of someone who has a food addiction and the oral fixation that some people experience with food. She also gave us chemical reasons why bad food just tastes so good. Overall, our project is trying to delve into the secrets of unhealthy eating in order to expose bad foods for what they are and learn about lifestyle changes and how to go about them.

Spencer Interview Unedited

Mallory Interview Unedited

Spencer Interview Edited

Mallory Interview Edited


    This project has been a new and trying experience. We were faced with technical difficulties like our files not openeing and not knowing how to upload them once it came time to do so. The interview process, however, went suprisingly well. We set up interviews and then met with them and interviewed them. It was simple and fun to do that part. We all found this to be a good learning project becasue not only did we learn to collaborate, we learned how to use diffrent technologies and ways of research.