Interview Questions for Dr. Spencer

1.       What  do you consider healthy food?
2.       What do you consider unhealthy food?
3.       Why do you think people stray away from healthy food?
4.       Why do you think people tend to sway more towards unhealthy food knowing that  it is bad for them?
5.       Is there a connection between unhealthy eating and low income?
6.       Do you think that our nations falling economy is tied with the rise in fastfood industry?
7.       What are some popular healthy options for people with lower incomes?
8.       Is unhealthy food really more convienient than healthy food?
9.       Is there a connection between mental illnesses and over eating/ under eating?
10.   Why do people continue eating even if they are satisfied?
11.   Do you think people would be more willing to eat healthier if they were more awar of the issues that come along with obiesity?
12.   What are the main ingredients in food that can cause obiesity?
13.   Do you think that because our nations food is uniformed that most people eat fast food because of familiarity?
14.   Do you feel that our nations extreme obeisity is partially due to the media and marketing companies and the way they present our food?
15.   What are some inexpensive healthy eating tips?
16.   Is veganism really a healthy lifestyle?
17.   Which would you prefer veganism or fastfood?
18.   What are bad sideffects of being a vegan?
19.   What are some bad sideeffects of eating poorly?
20.   Can eating healthy improove a persons overall attitude?

Interview Questions for Julie Mallory

1.    What is in food that makes us enjoy it?
2.    What is it about junk food that makes it so "delicious"?
3.    Does a lot of junk food contain any addictive contents?
4.    Have you ever encountered anyone with a food addiction?
5.    Why do you think that somebody would prefer a bag of chips over a bag of carrots?
6.    Is there a euphoria that people get when eating junk foods?
7.    Why do people only seem to be addicted to bad foods and not good ones?
8.    One time I ate a Dunkin Donuts "Big and Tasty." I can't say that it really tasted good but I ate it quickly as if it was. Why do you think I did that?
9.    What does good food do for the mind as opposed to bad food?
10.  When I eat a Snickers Bar, what exactly is going on inside my brain?
11. Can someone be physically addicted to food?
12. Do you think the way that Americans mentally view food affects the unhealthy way a lot of people eat?
13. What do you think the American mentality is towards food? 
14. And how do you think we can fix it (if it needs fixing)?
15. What is a good way to stop addictive/binge eating?
16. Would any of these help someone addicted to food: weight watchers, OA (overeaters anonymous), "fad diets", therapist?
17. Do you think Americans have a clean-your-plate mentality, and is that good or bad?